Socialism will Only Make Income Inequality Worse

4 min read


A few weeks ago, the New York Times ran an article regarding the implementation of a “Wealth Tax.” Both Sanders and Warren are fans of this type of levy which would tax the accumulated wealth of those who have assets of more than $50 million. Both Warren and Sanders believe that this levy will result in the collection of billions of dollars. The tax will be levied on personal property, such as real estate and art. The proposal could be unconstitutional and would certainly be challenged in the courts. While those of a more socialistic bent may call this a…...

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Tom Campenni Before Retiring Tom Campenni was a R.E. Broker and owner of a real estate consultancy in NYC for almost 50 years. He was a City Commissioner and Mayor in Stuart Florida. He now writes a blog, Martin County Moment, a newsletter, Friends & Neighbors in Martin County, and articles on government and finance.

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